

To create a positive environment for kids Growth and Happiness


To offer the best in class life skills trainings and tools to empower kids to become Happy, Independent, Grateful, Healthy Human beings (H.I.G.H)

Our Purpose

In this age of rapid change and digitisation, a Gratitude Journal for Kids provides an avenue for your children to express their thoughts and feelings. We believe that appreciating the small joys in spending time with family and friends and doing what makes one happy can make children Happy, Independent, Grateful, and Healthy (H.I.G.H) human beings. This begins in the formative years, which is now!

The Gratitude Journal for Kids will strengthen the bond between kids and parents and improve their mental well-being. It will open up their minds to ideas and emotions of self-love and self-worth. Expressing thankfulness by writing gratitude notes daily can help them improve their communication skills, and develop a positive mindset. It will also help them in dealing with negative emotions, reduce their stress, anxiety and calm their mind.

Our hero character, Jugnu, spreads cheer and happiness through his ability to emit light. We all have light inside us. Everyone is unique and we hope that the "Gratitude Journal for Kids" brings growth and happiness to each child!

Sudha Rao


I am Sudha Rao. I have spent 24 years working at Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). I had taken retirement in 2016 and stayed with my family in Mumbai and enjoying my retirement life with my grandson. He is studying in 4th standard.

I have observed that post Covid 19 kids' lives have changed significantly. During online studies, they were connected to devices but even after regular schools started, they are still spending their time playing games, watching videos etc. This has created a distraction from reading and writing habits.

To make the kids the creator of their stories and develop a writing habit, we have designed a "Gratitude Journal" for kids. This Journal is a tool where parents and kids spent time together reviewing their day and listing a few things they are grateful for that day.